Radiating lines atart at a central point and move or fav out. Radiating lines start at a central poin and move or fan outward. We can see radiating line on the hair and the background.
Discussing contente: What does it communicate?
The image communicates confidence/self confidence, attitude and coolness, an “under control” feeling. The diagonal lines supports freedom and movement, which gives the idea of coolness. The vertical lines gives us the sense of elegance and the horizontal line (which is also psychic) gives us the sense of calm, setting a horizon. The fact that there are opposing lines give the image a sense of stability. The radiating lines gives us a feeling of movement, making it vivid which give it the attitude. Thick to thin likes supports the idea of elegance and confidence, also makes emphasis in freedom and movement.
Image Source
www.roberlan.com (Roberlan Borges)