PRINCIPLE-- Progressive Rhythm
Discussing FORM: What is the specific communicative strategy? Where is it found?
The specific communicative strategy found is progressive rhythm. Progressive rhythm is when similar elements are repeated in a clear, gradually changing manner. It is found in the photo below because it shows the same models wearing different clothing and each frame progresses smoothly. Starting from the first model to the left, the outfits turn more modest as you look at each frame.
Discussing CONTENT: What does it communicate?
Progressive Rhythm is known, for being the smoothest transition for the eyes. The transition to each frame allows our eyes to go from one subject to the next without difficulty. Using similar colors in each frame assists that transition as well as the silhouettes not changing drastically. The colors chosen are bold, as well as the prints. It gives you a sense of sophistication and boldness. The model looks like she’s transitioning from a young lady to someone who has power and authority.
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