PRINCIPLE—Scale: Exaggerated Scale
Describing FORM: What is the specific communicative strategy? Where is it found?
Exaggerated scale is when an object(s) is illustrated to look larger or smaller than usual in contrast to the human figure. The exaggerated scale is apparent in the model made to look twice as large as the city scape.
Discussing CONTENT: What does it communicate?
The most stark communication of this use of exaggerated scale is undoubtedly power. The model is given this authority over the cityscape by his overwhelming size, especially in comparison to the other human figures towards the bottom. A representation of absolute power is ostensible, however, and upon a second look we can discern this expression of preeminence isn’t oppressive. The scene--coupled with the non-threatening posture of the model and very static use of scale--is reminiscent of old monster shows, e.g. Godzilla or Power Rangers, giving the piece also a childlike playfulness and nostalgia.
Image source:
Jun Takahashi / UNDERCOVER