PRINCIPLE— Scale: Human Scale| Small Scale Describing FORM: What is the specific communicative strategy? Where is it found?
Human scale is the size of an object relative to the size of our body. Without a human figure present, we are uncertain to the size of objects. Human Scale| Small Scale will show that the object being compared to the human is relatively small.
Not easily noticed in this picture are the tiny human figures walking below the trees. Once these are identified by the viewer, the sense of scale is given to the scenery. Discussing CONTENT: What does it communicate?
Human Scale | Small Scale is often used to compare objects to the human’s size, in this case showing the compared objects to be larger, and can evoke different emotions depending on what is being compared. Here we can barely see the tiny dark figures beneath the trees, giving the sense that this city must be impressively large and the feeling of wonderment.
Image Source:
World of Warcraft Live Screenshot. Blizzard Entertainment. 2018