By: Killian Strassheim
Principle-Space: Linear Perspective (Three Point Perspective)
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Linear Perspective usually takes one of three possible forms. In this screenshot from Star Trek Beyond, primarily one point perspective is being used. The scene has about seven different major lines that all point to the focal point, the center of Yorktown. The second major vanishing point would be at the right middle side of the screen and the third would be either above or below the frame of reference.
Discussing CONTENT: What does it communicate?
This whole scene has a very clean and calm atmosphere but with an edge to it as well. You also get a sense of wonder while watching this, because this whole city is able to generate its own rotational gravity field along its many rings. Of course, nobody is in danger but to someone who isn’t familiar with this kind of technology, you feel a slight amount of fear for all of the people hanging upside down above your head.
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